Monday, January 2, 2012

First official day of the Year. What did you do ?

Happy New Year !

Today is the first official day of the year... what did you  do ?

I sat in the sunshine after 4 days of pouring rain.

With a book. - The Golden Acorn by Catherine Cooper.
 Actually not a book, but my Kindle.
It's about a little boy who has a very special gold acorn that will save the forests !
more on it later, but I want to really talk about books.

I know I have many... some would say too many... I have never really counted them but they are all over the house. On shelves, tables, drawers... you name a place !
Half way through my morning I got an invitation from my daughter to join her on so we can share our readings... (yes she did take after her Mamma) .

Well, this Shelfari has an option for you to upload your purchases from
So, according to my 'history ' with Amazon, I have since April 1997, purchased over 437 books. not bad... and the interesting thing was to notice the reading pattern. There were Garden years, Cooking Years, Art years, Spiritual years, Travel years. And that is only from Amazon. Not counting the Barnes&Noble or Watertone's attacks I always have when I travel.

The space and care all these books need is overwhelming! and in the spirit of eco-friendly less foot-print impact I converted to Kindle. Or was converted by a dear friend who mentioned I'd soon be found under a pile of books in the middle of nowhere!
So for the last 15 months, only Kindle downloads. The great thing is you get the book in 30 seconds... I'm not joking ! no visits to the post-office (who think I'm a teacher because of the smiling boxes from Amazon arriving, and of course only a teacher could read so much !!), no anxious waiting for the 23-35 day delivery to my small town in Brazil... nor postage costs!

So this brings me to my first 2012 project.
Find all my books, get new shelves made for them.
Dust them all...
Make a list of what I still have to and want to read....

and try and keep up my average ,according to my shopping record, to a book a week.
I really think Amazon should send me some freebies !!

But I have  confessions to make......
I still miss the physical book.
I still long for a NYC library card
I still miss my smiley boxes arriving home with me
I still dream of being part of a Book Club
I still have space on my shelves!

May 2012 be a happy reading year to all.
If you can make it 1 book a month, it will enrich your life.
Exchange that ghastly soap-opera stuff for a good read !

1 comment:

  1. Loved the post, loved the background! We need to start a book swap club, just like the Guernsey one!
