Sunday, January 22, 2012

My daily Spiritual practice

So many people ask me exactly what my Spiritual practice is all about. I have a hard time explaining it, as a label/figure must always be present to make any sense.

 I am devoted to my personal well being albeit sometimes I seem to be far from the track, 
and I try my best to practice lovingkindness.

In Hinduism, spiritual path both my Teachers Vamadeva Shastri & Shambhaviji follow there is a term that defines what it is all about: Sadhana.
A complex and beautiful word. This is the simplest and easiest explanation I have read:

"Sadhana is a Sanskrit work whose root, sadh, means to reclaim that which is divine in us, our power to heal, serve, rejoice, and uplift the spirit. Sadhana practices encompass all our daily activities, from the simple to the sublime--from cooking a meal to exploring your inner self through meditation. The goal of sadhana is to enable you to recover your natural rhythms and realign your inner life and daily habits with the cycles of the universe. When you begin to live and move wih the rhythms of nature, your mind becomes more lucid and more peaceful and your health improves. Your entire life becomes easier." -  Maya Tiwari

So to define myself with a term that I feel comfortable with, I am  Sadhak.
A Spiritual Seeker. A Spiritual Student. Someone that is in pursuit of peace, happiness & lovingkindness.
I enjoy going to Temples, Churches, Cathedrals anywhere I can connect with the Divine, in whatever form it takes at any specific place. The world is my place of worship and Nature is the ultimate representation of God's eternal blessings & beauty.

A blessed Sunday to all.

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